Wednesday, February 20, 2013

    Ashley's Philosophy Corner

    It is at times that we are brimming with hope for the future, happiness in the present, and delightment in our own benevolence, we cannot help but reach outside ourselves and extend a helping hand or warm, comforting smile to those around us. 'Tis really a wonderous feeling, but is it not possible to reach outside of ourselves even when we're not bursting with joy, that we simply have to let it seep out and pour into the souls of the very mankind that surrounds us daily?  It can be difficult, yes, but is it not a common saying that life is hard? Don't people always say you have to learn to do hard things? And that if/when you do, you'll become stronger? As far as mankind goes, one touch can penetrate many.  There is always a little more that we can do for others, which should be one of the key points of objectives in our lifves. Because what is humanity without such charity? What is civilizatino. And, when we do reach out, even when  in the depths of despair, or depressed, or grieving, does not that do nothing, but make us feel all the more better? And of course the souls we have lifted. If we see someone alone, or homeless, or lost, or distressed, or struggling, or distraught in any way, shape, or form, wouldn't it cause such progression within ourselves, such progression in their well-beings, and humanity's upbringing.  If we, without thinking, immediately stopped, to their convenience, not our own, and helped them, what would that do? There is never an excuse to reach out to others, or to the community, or for that matter, the world! None. "I'm too old" -the sooner your achy, creaky bones can rest. "It'd be too awkward" -awkward moments are better than painful ones. "They'd think I'm weird" -it's impossible to think ill of someone for very long when they've mowed your lawn or for that matter, saved them from starvation. "I'm too scared" -then it's about time you got over your fear! And, yes, 'tis true I am in many ways subjected to hypocricy by saying these things. I am no amazing person who always does these things right, but I figure I wish to help other people and redeem myself even if perhahps I am not worthy. After all, people can learn from my mistakes, can't they? People can learn. People can make a difference.

Austin's Funnies Corner

    Non-inflatable parachutes. Fall with style.

    Why is it that the first time I don't know the answer is the first time the teacher
decides to call on me?

Alex's Random Awesome Corner

Here's this awesome video from America's Got Talent that was super cool, so enjoy!

Anna's Weird Snacks Corner

    None. Sadly.

Alex's Random Awesome Corner
This is so cute, you'll want to watch it again. :)