Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

   This is a quote from Les Miserables the unabridged. This is one of many beautiful and poeticly inspirational sayings that can be encountered upon reading the book. It is from someone who has seen The Gutter's Cry, and he deserves to be heard.
     "But if so, what does it matter? What difference does it make if they go barefoot? They cannot read; never mind. Would you abandon them for that? Would you make their misfortunes their curse? Can't the light penetrate these masses? Let us return to that cry: Light! And let us persist in it! Light! Light! Who knows but that these opacities will become transparent? Are revolutions not transfigurations? Go on philosophers- teach, enlighten, kindle, think aloud, speak up, run joyfully toward braod daylight, fraternize in the public squares, announce the glad tidings, lavish your alphabets, proclaim human rights, sing your Marseillaises, sow enthusiasims, tear off green branches from the oak trees. Make thought a whirlwind. This multitude can be sublimated. Let us learn to avail ourselves of this vast conflagaration of principles and virtues, which occasionally sparkles, bursts, and shudders. These bare feet, these naked arms, these rags, these shades of ignorance, depths of despair, the gloom can be used for the conquest of the ideal. Look through the medium of the people, and you will discern the truth. This lowly sand that you trample underfoot, if you throw it into the furnace and let it melt and seethe, will become sparkling crystal; and thanks to such as this a Galileo and a Newton will discover the stars."

Austin's Funnies Corner

    When I asked Austin for  joke, he said, "No. Make up your own joke." (And, actually, our ever contributing Anna told me to write that, so there it is, plain and simple. Austin don't wanna say no joke.)

Alex's Awesome Random Corner

 Well, yet here's a warning. This is not for the faint of heart, nor the exceedingly sophisticated. If not, don't worry, you'll want to laugh. (That doesn't mean you will.)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Validation. You should try it.

    Okay, so somebody showed me this video, and it is the cutest, most entertaining, and inspiring video IN THE WORLD! It made my mom's day, and it certainly put a smile on my face when I watched it. So if you have any sort of sense in you, you have got to see it! You will probably end up loving it. End of story.
(I really love this video. :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

To all those who are afraid of dying...
    Death is something that has troubled the human mind since time began, there's no question about it. What happens when you're dead? Does it hurt a lot? Do you just float in forever blackness? Well, as you know, this is kind of a touchy subject,  because it's very easy to get religious about this topic, but for once, I am going to try and steer away from that as much as possible to remain relatable.
    Anyway, what is death really? The two aspects of it are possible pain, and possible nothingness once you are dead.  Putting it right down to that basic structure, doesn't it seem kind of ridiculous? After all, think about all the pain you've had in your life. Every time you've stubbed your toe or broken your arm or bonked your head or scraped your knee or hit your elbow on something or got bitten by a dog or gotten stung by a bee or got burned on a hot stove...the list is endless. I mean, come on, let's face it, you've had a whole lot of pain in your life! And you've gotten over it. So why should death pain be any different? Because it's the end of your existence. Like I said, I'm not going to get religious, but at least allow me this. I know without a doubt in my heart, that after you die, you will live again. I'm not going to say where you go or why, but people haven't been talking about the concepts of heaven since the beginning of time for nothing. It's for a reason. If humans can be so complex, so brilliant, so full of purpose and heart and progression at the end of their lives, doesn't that at least mean that when they leave this world they can go somewhere that means as much as they do? I promise you with every morsel in my being that death is not the end. It couldn't be the end. It is merely stepping into the next stage of life.        
      And, equally as important, don't worry about dying at the wrong time. Of course it doesn't seem right for a baby to be stillborn, or a child should die of Cancer, or a teen should be killed in a car accident. Of course it hurts to know a relative committed suicide or got hit by a train. But surely the cruelty of it couldn't be real. Surely they were meant to depart at that time for a reason. You may die before the championship game, or you may die before you finish your masterpiece, or you may die before you get married or have see your grandchildren of retire from your difficult job, whatever it is. It's okay.  It was meant to be. Even if it's not in God you trust, if you are ever to feel peace within yourself, you must sooner or later learn to trust in something bigger than yourself. Think of space and its vast galaxies...isn't that bigger than yourself? It had to have gotten there somehow. The whole of it -the whole of everything means you have a purpose. And death is just part of that. So, do not be afraid of death. That's all there is to it.

Austin's Funnies Corner

"Doctor, doctor! I only have a few seconds to live!"
"Just a minute!"

What she teaches:
2 + 2 = 4
What the assignment is:
2 X 4 = 8
What the homework is:
2(4a + -4,782)9 X 45

Alex's Awesome Random Corner

     Here's some random advice from the unpublished A Guide To Surviving Middle School. These are known from experience. Unfortunately for some of them... :)

  • Avoid clapping weirdos.
  • Prepare for the worst when you enter the hallways.
  • Expect anything and everything. Don't rule possible things because they're unlikely. (Trust me, very few things in life will appear as extraordinary once you've walked out those doors.)
  • Plan, organize, and prioritize. Otherwise, everything will fall flat in your face. (Grades, relationships, reputations, everything, etc.)
  • Don't date. Life's just simpler, happier, and talk about skipping the drama! Plus, it ruins relationships. A boy and girl could be great friends, having a good time, doing what they love, just being a kid and having fun, but no. They have to have those stupid labels of "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" attached to their heads, making things awkward and dramatic, and so many other things! Besides, what are you going to do as a "couple"? Have your mom take you to the park to share a Popsicle? I mean, come on! Lame! So, DON'T DATE!
  • Don't swear either. It may sound like I'm trying to preach to you how to be a goody goody, but there's a way not to be uncool, but not have to follow all the silly trends like saying the f word or other things. Find them. Don't resort to sinking to that level, because trust me, it's NOT worth it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ah! Sweet Romance!

My half sister and my half brother-in-law were happily wed for all time and eternity in the Seattle Temple. They really are a beautiful couple...


Two Of the World's Unsuspecting Heroes

She's smiling? I guess some people get it. 

Cross Country is a truly a sport of endurance. I think I'll stick with reading and writing, thank you anyway. :)

    Just had to show you our cat who we love dearly, and his place under the Christmas Tree. His full name I Charles Oliver Dickens, after the cat in "Oliver And Company", and after the great author himself. But, we just call him Charlie. :)                             

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Truth About Life

    It's been a while since I posted last.  Well, more than a while. But you know how life goes. How you get busy, or lazy, or forgetful or consumed with stress. I've had some past experiences that have really made me think. I mean, I'm always thinking, deeply even, but this was general thinking. Thinking that I'm sure millions of other people in this world have thought. So, here goes. 
       Does it ever feel like life just isn't worth it? Like there's so much to think about and worry about and do and try and learn, and so many things that are wrong and unfair and hard? Sometimes, don't you just want to crawl under a rock and forget about it all? And can't. You don't get the choice of giving up. You just have to keep on going with this charade. There's no breaks, or quitting, and no way to make everything go exactly how it should, or how you want it to be. I mean, what is life really? It's not complete misery, but it's not complete happiness either. Think about it. How are you living yours? Are you happy? Do you just keep going no matter what people say or what happens or what injustices there are? Because some things you can't do anything about. What can you do to improve other people's? How can you make the joy be in the journey? 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

    Don't make what you do depend on the people around you. If they know you, then they expect it. If they don't , then they won't care. If they do, then, does it really matter? As long as you're doing what you know to be right, and as long as you're pleasing God,'s their problem if they don't like what you're doing.

Austin's Funnies Corner

    90% of statistics are made up. 4 out of 3 people have trouble with fractions. There are three kinds of people in this world. Those who can count, and those who can't. :)

Alex's Awesome Random Corner

That's right! Go out and make a difference! :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

    For all those who think they're vain just because they look in the mirror and say something good about

    Being vain is thinking you're pretty, and forgetting God made you that way. Self-confidence is thinking you're pretty, and praising God for the privilege.

Austin's Funnies Corner

    "Research shows that people will believe anything they read on the Internet. I don't remember where I found that, I read it online somewhere."


Alex's Awesome Random Corner

    Hey, there's a blog that I really love, (not mine,) and I thought I ought to share it, just in case someone out there really likes my blog, and is looking for another one that's uplifting and inspirational. It's called "What's Cookin' In the The Cooks' 'Come what may...and love it!'"‎ Feel free to check it out.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner
    Love is merely a feeling that dances within you. To make love something real, you have to dance with it.

Austin's Funnies Corner

    If someone ever asks you if you speak German in German, (you know, that saying along the lines of espekin a deutsch?), then it's really funny to reply "Nine." Which is "no" in German. I did it with an obnoxious kid I know, and I was laughing in my head all day.
    Also, here's another funny, (really stupid) joke:
How many elephants can you fit into a slug bug?
4. Two in the front. Two in the back.
How do you know there's an elephant in your fridge?
There's a footprint in the Mayonnaise.
How do you know there's two elephants in your fridge?
There's two footprints in the Mayonnaise.
How do you know there's three elephants in your fridge?
Fridge won't close.
How do you know there's four elephants in your fridge?
There's a slug bug parked in your driveway.
Now, ask me if I'm a rock.
"Are you a rock?"

Alex's Awesome Random Corner

I do seem to favor the Piano Guys. However, they are worth favoring, and this is a very uplifting video, and I really hope you enjoy.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner
    Pray as though everything depends on God. Work as though everything depends on you.

Austin's Funnies Corner

    You know those people who you know only slightly? Who you share no bonds with? Well, if you ever run into them when you're with your close friends, here's a fun joke to play: Go up to them say things such as "Hey! Haven't seen you in a while! Me and her/him go way back! Remember kindergarten, when I-you know what I'm talking about!" And then advance to "Secret handshake all the way!" and make one up on the spot. I did it three times in a row with three different girls when I was with one of my friends today, and it was hilarious! Mostly for me and the other person, not so much my friend. It's funny to them once you explain it.

Alex's Random Awesome Corner

If we fall, we fall together! :)
(I worry about my siblings sometimes.)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

    Service with a smile!

Austin's Funnies Corner

    For all those used-to-be thumb suckers out there...

    A crowd of boys were once standing around together talking, and joking about anything and everything. Somehow, as young boys do, they got on the subject of quirky things they did when they were little. One said they used to love Barney, one said they refused to drink out of a normal cup until they were six...and then one professed they used to suck on their thumb until they were eight. After an awkard pause, another boy remarked:
    "You know, they say that sucking your thumb messes up your mouth shape, and pushes your teeth over."
    "Really? My dad has to yank my little brother's thumb out of his mouth all the time. Except he's only two."
    After a few more comments overlapping each other, one boy finally asked the 'offender' why he sucked his thumb that long.
    His face hot, and the silence growing more agonizing by the second, he finally blurted out: "Because I was too cool to suck on my other fingers."

Alex's Random Awesome Corner Corner

Cute and funny on many accounts. The Piano Guys will continue to reign as one of the greats in the Youtube world...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

    Never forget a baby's smile. It can be a most precious resource in times of trial and tribulation.

Austin's Funnies Corner

    Do you know the song "Solo"? You know, "I'm riddin' solo, riddin' solo, so-lo? Well, Austin made up a parody. It starts not with the chorus, but with the the verse, then into the chorus. Try singing this in your head using the tune.
"Bought some nice shi-rts with my favorite brand,
bought 'em at Cole's for 5.99,
I bought some polos,
I bought some polos, po-o-los."
     Not the most sophisticated of parodies, but I thought it was clever.

Alex's Random Awesome Corner


Speaking of a baby's smiles... :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

    If you create opportunities yourself, it will be extremely difficult to seize them. But if you let opportunities fall into your hands on their own, then seizing them will come naturally. I know this from experience.

Austin's Funnies Corner

(This is actually from someone else.)
    Life is like a bowl of popcorn. If eaten too quickly, you're left with only the hard kearnels. And then, if you microwave the kearnels, and they attempt to pop, but really,  only end up exploding the microwave, and making you have to pay it with your own money, instead of buying bubble gum at the mall, where your mom is dragging you around everywhere, making your legs ache, and taking you past all the food court, making you hungry, and then you go home, and you have that microwave to think about, so you get a job mowing an elderly couple's lawn, but you accidetly mowe a squirrl up, and then you have the lawn mower and the microwave to pay for, plus, your little sister is all weepy and screams at you 'cause you mowed up a squirrel, and then everyone is talking about it at school, and it ruins your reputation with the teachers, and then you're thought to be really wierd, cause now you're not cool, or a nerd. So, what I'm trying to say is, that you end up having your wife leave you, your only child die of penounmia, and you're living in a cardboard box in Kentucky,  eating KFC out of the garbage. So, think carefully before you stand on the left side of a purple unicorn while dancing in front of chimpanzees. Cause' freeze-dried tuna won't sit well in your stomach.
(Sort of.)

Alex's Random Awesome Corner


A common sight amongst the great wonders of the world. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

    Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can break my heart.

Austin's Funnies Corner

    You know you're Mormon when you've blessed every cake, cookie, and doughnut saying "please bless this food that it will nourish and strengthen our bodies."
    You know you're Mormon if all your dishes have your name written on masking tape.

Alex's Random Awesome Corner

Alex is an Eagle Scout. Truly a remarkable accomplishment.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

    There are three ways to live. Laughing, smiling, or both. Yes, that means if you're not doing at least
one of those things each day, you're not living, you're only surviving. So, take my advice. Don't survive -live.

Austin's Funnies Corner

    Respect the pouch! Respect it! From a rather old Caprisun commercial, and in no way noble, but, fun to say, and good if you want to bring some spontaneous laughs to the atmosphere. You'll get that if nothing else... :)
Alex's Random Awesome Corner

A most uplifting, and peaceful piece, most especially because it is played on the harp -an instrument I am rather partial to.    

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

    For all those who aren't believed when telling the truth...

    When it comes to those moments, yes, you know all about those moments, when you're having to endure the truth being forsaken, or not believed, or anything along the lines of that, here's something to either say to yourself, or out loud. "Say what you want, but the truth will always be the truth". And it's true. No matter what they say or do, no matter what kind of lying idiot they are, the truth will remain the truth.

Austin's Funnies Corner

   Do you remember the commercial where the people would stick their head out of the window and yell "It's my money, and I need it now!" ?  Hopefully not :) But when it comes to playing Truth or Dare, or if you're just that random, crazy person around your friends, it's one of the classics. Let's just hope you're neighbor doesn't catch you...

                                                          Alex's Random Awesome Corner

If you have never seen this video, it's about time. Uplifting? Inspiring? Beautiful and amazing? You've got yourself a deal. :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

    For all those who think too much...
    You need to wear your best at church.
    You need to do your best at school.
    You need to try your best in life.

    You don't need to look the best at church.
    You don't need to do the best at school.
    You don't need to do the best in life.
    Nobody does the best, because nobody is perfect. Why try to be the best when that's non-existent?

Austin's Funnies Corner

    A venomous snake once bit Chuck Noris. After hours of agonizing pain, the snake finally died.

    Chuck Noris doesn't wear a watch. He decides what time it is.
    Chuck Noris doesn't read books. He just stares at it until it gives him the information he wants. 
    Chuck Noris sleeps with a pillow under his gun.

Alex's Random Awesome Corner

    Just some random advice for all those high schoolers out there...

    Homework. It's really a...sigh. Need I say more? How do you deal with it? You just do it, to the best  of your ability, and that's all anyone can ask of you. Even though a lot of the time it's a great injustice, you have to just close your mouth and be patient. You will be rewarded for it. Plus, it'll be nice to look back and say, "Yep. That was me. I did that. " So, endure to the end...

Hello Folks! Nice weather we're having.

Hey! For anyone who was actually looking at our blog,we have some new ownership going on. I, Ashley Grace Galura, am going to start doing the blog! Hip hip hooray! There's a few new things that are going to start. We are going to have Ashley's Philosophy Corner, Austin's Funnies Corner, Alex's High School Tips Corner, and Anna's I Have To Live With These People! Corner. Ha, ha! Maybe not. We'll see what she wants to contribute at a later date. So, start checking us out -not daily, cause' that would be a little creepy and stalkish, but weekly maybe. Anyways, enjoy!