Monday, September 22, 2014

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

    "Those whose dying words are 'I love you' often inspire those left behind to make their living words 'I love you.'"

--Macy Adams

Wow. Just wow. This song which is so inspirational and beautiful by itself, sung like this...

Austin's Funnies Corner

   A writer:

When the classical music you're listening to on Youtube stalls, and you say "Yo, yo, yo! What up with that?"

   A writer:

"Yes, I tell the voices in my head what to do."
"No, they do not always comply."
"Yes, we do get into fights sometimes." 
"Who usually wins?" 
Silence. "Well, I have the power to make them suffer, but they have the power to make hundreds suffer." 
"But isn't that you who has the power to make both? Aren't you, in a sense, your characters?" 
"No. The world is my characters. I'm just writing down what I see." 
"So about the voices in your head..." 
"Oh, that? Yeah...I should probably see a specialist..."

  A writer:

What I imagine I look like when I'm writing:

How I actually look when I'm writing:

Alex's Random Awesome Corner

I still really like her. :)

Anna's All Things Classical and Jazz

This song was written by a fascinating composer, and leader in the Expressionist Movement -the idea that there shouldn't be rules and regulations in composing such as has accompanied all previous musical eras, but that music should be free self-expression. It's very descriptive and kind of entrancing, and unless you really listen to it deeply, kind of disturbing at some points with its lack of conformity, and at the same time, so breathtaking as a whole. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

   "Beauty is so differently perceived, and it hurts when one is unable to share it."

--Macy Adams

Austin's Funnies Corner

    I spend hours practicing the cello part to the symphony. Then I go and listen to the actual song. And suddenly, my life makes sense.

    Ah, cello humor.

I love this show. Witty humor, inspiring innovation and intellect, and a song in every episode. :)

Alex's Random Awesome Corner

The Grave and the Rose
By: Victor Hugo

The Grave said to the Rose,
"What of the dews of dawn,
Love's flower, what end is theirs?"
"And what of spirits flown,
The souls whereon doth close
The tomb's mouth unawares?"
The Rose said to the Grave.

The Rose said, "In the shade
From the dawn's tears is made
A perfume faint and strange,
Amber and honey sweet."
"And all the spirits fleet
Do suffer a sky-change,
More strangely than the dew,
To God's own angels new,"
The Grave said to the Rose.

This is such a beautiful poem, and of course it is by French poet, author, and philosopher Victor Hugo, who is someone I greatly admire and look up to.

Anna's All Things Classical and Jazz

I recently fell in love with this piece. It has such a melancholy feel to it, and yet it's so passionate. There's so much you can imagine with it.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

"There is a great deal of truth not manifest in books or poems, in paintings or music. As much as I love them all, there is some truth you simply feel, you simply know -hard, and yet soft inside you. In the conquest of the artist, this is one of the deepest understandings you can gain, for it is that understanding that art -the very medium of understanding- is not necessary when within you there is truth found already."

--Macy Adams

"Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you reach your destiny." 

--Carl Schurz

Austin's Funnies Corner

What could be better? :)

Alex's Random Awesome Corner

I watched these for a Geography Class. Extremely fascinating.
--In addition, the book -"The World Is Flat"- I just finished. Incredible, and highly recommended, (Similar to these the above.)

Anna's All Things Classical and Jazz

Love it!