Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ashley's Philosophy Corner

How beautiful and sweet this video is! (How wonderful this choir is!) And how much young boys are in need of help and guidance during these difficult times of violence and corruption and political unrest. What a blessing it is to know that God is there watching over us -watching over them.

Austin's Funnies Corner
I don't expect you to burst out laughing to the point of crying or anything, but what's funny is how much effort -how high quality all of it is, and then to pair that with the ridiculousness, (if you know the real story, this is...a rather amusing version... :) I hope you see fit to laugh at least once, as I did. 

Alex's Random Awesome Corner

Article of Faith #13    

"...if  there is anything lovely of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
     Just because I recently discovered this Libera choir (and am now in love with), I am going to share with you two more of their videos, because you have to admit, they are very awesome. And how sweet the boys! (I've never met them in real life, so I can't really say, but they seem genuine), and how good their cause, meaningful their songs, and quality of their voices and production. So I thought you wouldn't mind (since they are after all magnificent). I hope you enjoy them!  

Anna's All Things Classical and Jazz

    As far as Jazz goes, I was reading a book on the Harlem Renaissance, and picked up some fun terms from the time. Hope you like them!


Busting your conk -to apply yourself or use your brain really hard (like working on a math problem or such)
Togged to the bricks -when you're all dressed up, spiffy like
Jumps or Shouts -During the time, they'd have jazz get-togethers, and took to calling them by these names, which I find very appropriate. :)
Chitterling Struts -Also during the time, for jazz get-togethers, the jazz pianists would come and kind of unofficially compete, face off and try to see who was better. Everyone had a wonderful time during these. 
"Get in the gully and give us the everlovin' stomp!" - During the jazz get-togethers or parties, when dawn would come and they had been playing all through the night and were exhausted, everyone would cry out once more to play just a little longer and cheer them on, and so they'd shout this phrase to encourage them.
"Trip the light fantastic" -to go down to a dance emporium

Dance Moves:

  • the Charleston
  • the Droll Black Bottom
  • the Shim-Sham-Shimmy
  • the Pixie-Like Truckin'
  • (most popular) the Lindy Hop 
  • the Jitterbug (later evolved version of the Lindy Hop)
  • the Suzy Q

    *Don't ask me to demonstrate. :)

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